How the Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah can enhance your life

How the Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah can enhance your life

By Grace Hui for Incentre

As within so without, as above so below”. This ancient hermetic principle teaches us that we create our outer reality based on our inner states. The Kabbalah allows us to transform within so we can create what we desire in the world.

Kabbalah literally means “to receive”. By asking a series of powerful questions and using our desire to transform, we can transmute the inner obstacles that stand in our way. This beautiful alchemical process is facilitated by the “container” the tree of life provides, which in turn, teaches us how to receive by accessing our inner wisdom.

A journey well worth embarking.

Connecting with the Moon to illuminate our Life

Connecting with the Moon to illuminate our Life

Grace Hui for Incentre

The full moon is a magickal time when the moonlight is the strongest, illuminating the night.  The magnetic power of the full moon moves the waters of even the greatest ocean.  Such is the power of Lady Lunar. Humans are made up of mostly water and as such, the power of the moon has a profound impact on us. 

It is no happenstance that the moon and its cycles have played a huge part in the lives of humanity since the beginning of time. Across the world, many traditions have honoured the moon and her cycles with rituals and celebrations, acknowledging the huge role that the glorious and enigmatic moon plays in human life and evolution.

Full moons are symbolic of unity, manifestation and completion — nature’s expression of humanity’s oneness with the earth’s timeless and essential rotation around the sun. 

Astral Travel - The wonders of knowing your divine purpose

Astral Travel - The wonders of knowing your divine purpose

Grace Hui for Incentre

The term “Astral Travel” conjures up all manner of speculation these days. To some, the idea of astral travelling sounds like a spellbinding curiosity. To others, it is considered “out there” where it is imagined that a group of people wearing hemp get out their tin foiled hats. Yet others associate astral travelling with psychedelics. There are also those who look at this with fear. 

“Is it safe?” “Will I get stuck there” are some of the questions that are asked. 

So while astral travelling is a concept that has gone somewhat mainstream, what it truly is, is still at often times misunderstood.

So, What exactly is Astral Travel?

Getting to Know the Elemental Beings - The 12 Races on Earth

Getting to Know the Elemental Beings - The 12 Races on Earth

Grace Hui for Incentre

Since the days of yore, there have always been stories and legends of other beings who share this world with us. From folklore that has been passed down the generations to the personal experiences of others, these magickal beings have made their presence known in subtle ways and sometimes, not-so-subtle ways!

In our modern way of life, these tales have been dismissed as superstition or the product of a vivid imagination. Some who may have had encounters with these beings may have also chosen to keep these experiences to themselves for fear of being made fun of. As such, these magnificent beings have been relegated to the stuff of fairy tales for children.

Yet, despite all of humanity’s misgivings, these magical beings continue to leave an imprint. In popular culture, they have appeared on the silver screen and also on TV series. In fact, some of our most successful television programmes are premised on the very beings that we have chosen to consign to fantasy.

Yet, is it really true that these wondrous creatures are but only the product of the mind? Is it a coincidence that they continually make their appearance in popular culture? Why do we play dress-up on Halloween? Why are we continually drawn to these beings despite the so-called “logical mind” insisting that they are not real?

Busting the myth of having no choice

Busting the myth of having no choice

By Grace Hui for Incentre

The phrase “no choice” has become part of commonly used day-to-day parlance. The Collins dictionary the phrase as follows: If you have no choice but to do something, you cannot avoid doing it while the Macmillan dictionary defines having no choice as being in a situation where you must do something.

In other words, when one has no choice, one is in a position where there is only one option and nothing else. In our modern life, how often is it really true that we have no choice?

Given how loosely and frequently this phrase is now used, have we lost sight of what it actually means to have no choice? Have we disempowered ourselves by reinforcing the misguided belief that we have no choice but to accept an undesirable outcome or unsatisfactory state of being when in reality, we do have a choice?

Of course, the choices available may not always be the easiest or the most comfortable which in turn leads us to pick an option that may seem like the least hassle. To justify our choice, we then label it “no choice”.

But, if we were to be honest with ourselves, is it really a case of no choice? Or is it a choice of picking the path of least resistance?

Protection Versus Fear

Protection Versus Fear

Grace Hui for Incentre

It is probably fair to say that most people want to feel safe and in that quest for safety, it is also possible that some of us may go into fear. Many of us want to protect our personal spaces, our physical, mental, emotional and energetic well-being. It is however sometimes easy for us to unconsciously slip into the drama of fear which serves no one. Not only is going into a pattern of fear not protective, it is actually damaging.

In our bid to protect ourselves, are we subconsciously enabling the fear of the mind?

Self-Care versus Selfish

Self-Care versus Selfish

By Grace Hui for Incentre

Self-care is about filling our cups so that we can serve others from an overflowing cup. In other words, it is very much about ensuring that we do not become depleted. How we choose to refill our cups will differ from person to person. For some, it might be taking time to meditate, while for others, it might be a dance class in the gym. It might also be a variety of these activities.

Much of the messaging on “self-care” focuses on individual needs. While this has merit in a world where we are often chasing after “goals” and ticking off checklists and where we do need to be reminded to slow down, how do we balance self-care while also being caring to those around us?

Even as we look after our own needs, it is imperative to remember that self-care does not mean that we fixate only ourselves and what we want to the exclusion of society.

As Ipssimus Dave Lanyon of the Modern Mystery School says, “the irresponsible can subsist because the responsible exist” After all, “you are only as strong as the weakest link-but is it not the strong that hold up the weakest link?” He goes on to ask: “Where are you in the chain and where are you capable of being?”

So folks, self-care is not an end in itself. Rather, it is a means to an end. We exercise self care, so that we can serve! While it is responsible to look after ourselves, it is also a responsibility for us to care for others even if it may inconvenience us.

Self-care does not mean selfish.

Yet, the line between the two might be very fine.

Why Spiritual Expansion through Psychedelics might be a new age lie

Why Spiritual Expansion through Psychedelics might be a new age lie

While Psychedelics have a long history of use in many ancient traditions such as in Shamanism, these practices were often undertaken under the strict guidance of a highly trained Shaman. Usually, the utilisation of such psychedelics such as peyote or Ayahuasca will be accompanied by years of rigorous preparation through meditation, diet and other lineage-based practices beforehand. That practice would have necessitated an intense purification of the ego and self-mastery - which would have taken years!

Now however, we seem to have lost some of that wisdom and discipline, partaking in such psychedelics without fully appreciating the sacredness of such practices. Instead of working on ourselves and taking full ownership for our personal power, we have outsourced our spirituality to a drug to “feel good”.

This has polluted, diluted and corrupted the ancient traditions of Shamanism.

Not only is this disempowering, it is also dangerous - not just to our physical bodies but also our spiritual ones.

The psychedelics found in nature and utilised by highly trained Shamans would contain properties that should be a vibrational match for the taker. If the taker’s energy structure is not at a high enough vibration, it could cause tremendous damage to one’s energetic structure.

Taking such psychedelics without being ready is therefore not only ill-advised but completely misguided, displaying not only a contemptuous lack of respect for the sacredness of that practice but also encouraging “running away from reality” as opposed to mastery over the self and circumstances.

Partaking in psychedelics in this way is not an initiation into greater knowledge or power. Rather it is a deception of the self!

In ancient lineage-based practices, psychedelics found in nature will be consumed to mark the individual’s growth. The individual would already have undergone the hard work to be deemed “ready” to partake.

In other words, the drug comes AFTER much purification of the ego and not BEFORE

What does it mean to be your true self?

What does it mean to be your true self?

By Grace Hui for Incentre

In this day and age, it has become fashionable to talk about being “authentic” or to be “true to yourself”. While we may all loosely understand what these terms and phrases kind of mean, are we really all on the same page? Have some of the original meanings behind these words become confused and diluted?

I think we can all agree that to be “authentic” and “real”, we shouldn’t pretend to be what we are not. A universal example of that is perhaps not to pretend that we have a perfect life and to acknowledge that everyone has struggles and problems. With social media, it can be tempting to present a curated version of one’s life which has no bearing on reality. In turn, this creates distortion, potential jealousy or envy and undue pressure to “keep up with the Jones”.

On the flip side of this, is to get sucked into the drama of problems and chaos presented by others who might be rebelling against the idea of perfection. Have you noticed that posts that create outrage, spark emotions and wallow in patterns of behaviour get a lot of traction? Some of these posts have been presented as “authentic” but are in reality, enforcing a pattern of behaviour that encourages us to be stuck in the drama of the situation.

Is this more about being attached to the drama of apparent authenticity than genuine authenticity?

What is Leadership?

What is Leadership?

By Grace Hui for Incentre

To be a leader is to serve. It is to be the last person to sleep and the first person to show up. It is the person who will make the difficult decisions because it is for the highest good. It is the person who will instil rules for the safety of all and also the person to exercise mercy.

The shadow of leadership has come to dominate leadership in some circles where people confuse leadership for fear or where leadership is confused by division or control.

In reality however, ruling through fear and division or in tyranny will never bring lasting results. In fact, it will destroy the cause. The person who acts in this manner destroys the cause.

Leadership in its purest form is a leader who acts by example, who unifies and who eradicates separation. It is also a leader who is authentic and not a hypocrite.

This applies in our individual lives too. Do we have separations within the self? Are we living in a way that does not gel with who we really are? Are we the leaders in our own lives or are we merely following someone else’s?

Busting the Myths behind Cord Cutting

Busting the Myths behind Cord Cutting

By Grace Hui for Incentre

In our interactions with people, and in particular the closer relationships in our lives, we subconsciously develop emotional attachments with them. While a genuine connection requires the mutual sharing of energy with healthy boundaries, emotional attachments which affect the energetic health of the other by causing confusion, doubt or drama is not quite the same thing.

The Paradox of Vulnerability

The Paradox of Vulnerability

By Grace Hui for Incentre

As with anything, there is duality. Something can be at once good and bad. It all just depends on how we choose to look at it and what actions we choose to take from it.

There is nothing inherently bad or good about being vulnerable. It is but an opportunity - a chance to do something with it.

If we avoid ever being vulnerable, we will never get to know ourselves and, if we don’t know ourselves, then we will never really be empowered or free. We will always be swayed by what happens to us and our happiness will always be dependent on things we cannot control. If we knew ourselves, we will be able to cultivate the stillness that brings about a state of joy. The external is but a reflection of our inner states.

As within so without, as above so below.

If we embraced vulnerability but never take ownership for healing from what has caused it in the first place, then we remain as we are, aware of our wounds but unable to move past it. So while allowing is an important first step, we cannot stop there if we wish to truly live freely.

The true nugget of expansion comes from viewing vulnerability as a gift to knowing ourselves, sitting with it to give it the space it needs and then taking the actions needed for us to heal from it.

Empowerment versus Power

Empowerment versus Power

By Grace Hui for Incentre

It is probably fair to say that most of us want to feel that we are in control of our lives and the direction it is going. We want to feel in charge - the notion of having power over the situations and occurrences in our lives can give us a sense of false security.

However, is the idea of having power often an illusion? Are we confusing power for empowerment?

What is the difference?

Knowing thyself - Demystifying Metaphysics and the Occult

Knowing thyself - Demystifying Metaphysics and the Occult

By Grace Hui for Incentre

Words such as “Occult” and “metaphysics” are generally regarded with confusion, dismissal, aversion, and even fear in the context of our modern life. Perhaps, over time, the true meanings of these concepts have become diluted or corrupted - not handed down in the way they were intended to be and, hence causing this sacred and deeply powerful knowledge to be misunderstood.

Triggers - Avoidance versus Mastery

Triggers - Avoidance versus Mastery

By Grace Hui for Incentre

In the mystery school traditions, we are trained to consistently seek to know thyselves and our “triggers” are perfect providers of information about ourselves. When faced with a “trigger”, we are given the opportunity to dig deeper. We are presented with the chance to heal and overcome.

If we spend all our time identifying things we should avoid, we will never really grow. We will just be running away from ourselves. A process that does us a great disservice. After all, how can we become the best versions of who we truly are if we invest no time in getting to know ourselves?

When we truly know ourselves, we will know our divine purposes, and facing up to our “triggers” is extremely illuminating for that process. There can be no breakthrough without mastery.

Every time a “trigger” presents itself, it is an invitation to surmount. Joy comes from true freedom and true freedom can only be availed to those who have mastered their “triggers”. Think about it. If you are constantly trying to escape what makes you uncomfortable, are you really free?

Being Empowered in the Divine Feminine

Being Empowered in the Divine Feminine

By Grace Hui for Incentre

Finding empowerment and equality for women are very much hot topics for the day. Social media is daily set alight with pithy quotes, quick slogans, and memes about the concepts of self-empowerment and the power of women. While there is value in these messages, they are sometimes incomplete and could lead to confusion.

There is no doubt that these are important issues. Everyone wants to and should be empowered. Divine feminine energy should also be nourished and nurtured. However, somewhere between seeking empowerment and giving prominence to so-called “girl power”, have the genuine meanings of empowerment and the divine feminine become somewhat corrupted?



New Year Resolutions
Resolutions represent hope. The hope that if we make some creative changes to our daily habits, life will be lighter, happier, more abundant. And – why not? It’s a great idea to step across the portal of the new year with an intention for new beginnings. Yet, a long two years have passed since my resolution lists have been drawn with any confidence. I don't know about you, but this new year I am again tiptoeing tentatively across the finish line. Don't get me wrong I still have an inventory of hopes: eating less, moving more, learning new skills, quitting bad habits and making more money. But this new year it’s with a different approach. I’m going to the core.

"It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change."
Charles Darwin

Self Care for Healers & Empaths [Webinar Recording 24.4.2019]

Self Care for Healers & Empaths [Webinar Recording 24.4.2019]

In this 45-minute webinar, Tanmaya explains different aspects of human energy bodies, including aura and chakras, different tools and techniques to clear our energy field, as well as their origins. Weaving through modern quantum physics and ancient healing modalities such as the Tree of Life, sacred geometry, Hermetica, energy rituals, the webinar explores practical topics as to why it is important to keep our energy field clean and how - by shifting our consciousness and our own vibration - can we create a better reality.

Setting Boundaries with our Resistance

Setting Boundaries with our Resistance

By Grace Hui for Incentre

In order to avoid self-sabotage, we first have to recognise the difference between the temporary fear of discomfort from something that is genuinely bad for us. To be able to differentiate between the two, we need to cut through the density of mind chatter to access our higher minds. This can only be done if we are truly empowered to really know ourselves.

It is only with overcoming resistance and loving ourselves enough to show up that we can grow and soar to greater heights. It is only with breaking through the pain barrier can we emerge from our shadows to be the best versions of ourselves.

Boundaries versus triggers and the tools that help us to see the difference

Boundaries versus triggers and the tools that help us to see the difference

By Grace Hui for Incentre

We live in an interconnected world with interweaving and layered relationships. As human beings, we are inherently social creatures. We need each other to survive and even to thrive. As we navigate these webs of relationships ranging from friendships to romantic entanglements to colleagues and family, how do we ensure that we maintain these in a healthy manner?